The soon to be formed World Eden United Society Party ( W.E.U.S. ) will now announce thier domestic and foreign policy.

The major cause for all the environmental problems the world face in the 21st Century is because of the curse of overpopulation. It also means ( because the world is overpopulated ) we as a nation can not use fossil fuels which is absolutely essential to maintain civilisation 

It is staggering the increase in world population since the beginning of the 20th Century. At 1900 the world population was a mere 1 billion. At the end of the second world war that rose to 4.5 billion, even after all the violence inflicted on the world with those two world wars. It is now estimated to be almost 8 Billion. The reasons being is that the infant mortality rate has gone through the floor  mainly because of immunisation and vaccines programs on the under fives while life expectancy has remained largely constant .

This is a problem as a world and as a country we cannot ignore anymore. 

It is the W.E.U.S. policy to reduce this country's population from its current number of 70 million ( this estimate does not take into account illegal immigrants ) to 30 million which was early 1920's levels in Britain.

This can be achieved by one simple policy as a country we could easily adopt.

1) A forced sterilisation program on all women after they had their first child or before they have any. The decision making process  if you are entitled to have a child or not will be determined by a random number generator for all female citizens. If we divided the number of women of child bearing age allocating 50% of women that allowed to have one child and 50% of women that are not allowed to have any children this would reduce the population by 75% in one generation easily achieving the W.E.U.S. aims of reducing the U.K population from 70 million to approximately 30 million in about 30 years.. After that it would be the W.E.U.S. policy that all women would get sterilised after having their second child which would mean the population would remain static to 30 million.

It is also the W.E.U.S. foreign policy to establish ties with like minded countries who have similar economic philosophy's who have similar population control policies such as the glorious democratic peoples republic of China. To establish a World Wide Population Control Policy.

The W.E.U.S. accept that this is "harsh medicine" but is essential if we are to get back into balance with the environment and mother nature.

That is all.  
