The First Past the Post voting system we have in the U.K. does seem to be highly undemocratic. Where a political party only needs to win just over 40% of the national vote to get a majority of seats to form a Government.
I propose a new elected list system.
The elected list system i propose is this. 1) In a city of suburb you would increase the boundary of a region to fit a equivalent of 40 M.P.s. Each party would nominate a full 40 nominated list of choices from the first to the 40th choice. Once a political party reaches a certain threshold which is 2.5% of the regional vote then their first choice is selected as a M.P.. Those votes are then taking away from the vote count & the whole process starts again. As for the last M.P. to be Selected this is decided with the M.P. with the biggest share of the vote just like First Past the Post.
In a Rural district the regional boundary would be for 20 M.Ps. therefore you would need 5% of the regional vote to get your first M.P. selected but apart from that difference the voting system is exactly the same.
This voting system is very similar to what we have in European elections.
This is system means that a political party would need 50% of the National vote to form a Government otherwise their would have to be a coalition. This does seem to be more democratic than the system we have got at the moment especially when the 2017 election the Conservatives had 42% of the National vote & formed a minority Government with the D.U.P. This also seemed highly undemocratic when the Conservatives gained 318 seats with 42% of the National vote while the Labour Party had 40% of the National vote and only had 262 seats.
This voting system does seem to solve this highly undemocratic First Past the Post voting System.
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